I must admit when I found out I would not be spending easter at home, I was a little bummed. Little did I know this would be one of the best easters ever!
We wanted to be with family on easter so Kaitlin and I spent the night at Kilie and Huston's on saturday night. We started with eating at my FAVORITE shaved ice place called Angels, and then headed back to their house to chat and laugh and play! We always have the funnest time over there and for some reason we were all in a really goofy mood s
o it was really fun. We finally got to sleep and then early in the morning I heard the Easter Bunny rustling around in the other room!!! Huston was awake as well, and w
arned us that if we didn't go back to sleep the Easter bunny would leave. It was so fun to feel like a little kid again as me and Kilie would get excited and giggle under the covers. Finally, the E.B. was done and came in to sing his easter song to let us know he had come. Hooolly cow what I wouldn't give to have that song and dance on video!!! I think we laughed for an hour straight before we finally saw our goodies. I guess the E.B. ran out of baskets in the mainland because he left our stuff in some of the Farnsworth's Pans!! hahah so creative, I loved it. Here are our lovely "baskets"-

Huston made yummy waffles and we ate them while watching the sunday morning of conference. It was lovely! It was so wonderful to have Easter and conference fall on the same day. There isn't a greater way to celebrate the Savior's resurrection than to learn of him through the words of our prophets! I loved this session so.
After the session Brandon and Brad came over for lunch and Kaitlin and I got ready to take roommate pictures with all our roommates on the beach. Kilie wanted me to try curling her hair with my special ringlet iron. It turned out beautiful :)
Kaitlin and Anna sleeping during conference.... tisk tisk. haha
Here are some of the roomy pics we took. We are missing one roommate, who was hiking, but we still love her too!

This is the cover for our new reality tv show...

I love ALL these girls so much!!!!

Oh daaaaang....
After we were done taking pickys we headed back to Kilie and Huston's to watch conference and play some games. We played this new game based off Pirates of the Carribean called "Pirates Dice" and it was really fun! The boys got really into it, talking pirate the whole time and had the soundtrack music playing in the background. It was fantastic
Huston and Bradley Battling it out for captain
Kilie and I decided to go to the YW broadcast that was being shown at the CAC... but the guy with the dvd never showed up so they canceled it haha. We had some good talks though and met some really neat women who inspired us to be better :)
Patience and Selflessness were our theme words for the evening.. haha
The boys were still watching the Priesthood session at home so we boiled some eggs while they finished up and then colored Easter eggs!! Here are some of the finished product.
All in all it was a Wonderful Easter! I'm so grateful to have such great friends and Kilie and Huston here to be our family... they are always so kind and giving and selfless towards us (and everyone)! I am going to miss them so much when I leave, but will see them soon again ;)
I'm also so grateful on this Easter weekend to have a knowledge of the Gospel. I have such a burning testimony of it and I'm soooo blessed to know of the truth that God lives, that the Savior lives and that he died for every single one of us so that we may live with them again. I'm so grateful to be able to listen to a Prophets voice lead and guide us in our world today. I get such strong and peaceful feelings when I hear them speak and I know what they are saying is true. I love my Savior and Heavenly Father and thank him everyday for the blessings I have.